For Net additions and changes, send updates to
Name Description Day Local Time TimeZone UTC Location
NCDN1 North Carolina D-Star Net Mon 21:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:00:00 REF054A
GAAUXC Georgia AUXCOMM Net - 3rd Monday of the Month Mon 20:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:30:00 REF030B
W0OAR OARS Southwest Missouri Dstar Net Mon 20:00:00 Central Standard Time 02:00:00 REF059A
MIADS Michigan ARES D-Star Net Mon 20:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:00:00 REF024A
NEADS New England Amateur D-STAR Net Tue 20:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:00:00 REF069C
QUEBEC1 Réseau D-STAR du Québec Tue 20:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:00:00 XLXVPSC
ROCKET Huntsville D-STAR Net Tue 19:30:00 Central Standard Time 01:30:00 KI4PPFC
TRI1C Tri-State Amateur D-STAR Net Tue 20:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:30:00 REF001C
WCFDS West Central Florida D-STAR Club Tue 21:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:00:00 KJ4ACN B
TEXAS Texas D-STAR Net Tue 20:00:00 Central Standard Time 02:00:00 REF004B
NCDS1 North Carolina D-STAR Net Tue 21:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:00:00 REF054C
ALADS Alabama D-STAR Net Tue 20:30:00 Central Standard Time 02:30:00 REF058B
CODS Colorado D-STAR Net Tue 20:00:00 Mountain Standard Time 03:00:00 REF035B
IRCN Independent Radio Club Net Tue 20:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 04:00:00 WA6IRC C
SDTECH PAPA System D-Star Net Tue 20:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 04:00:00 RF012A
ALTDSN Ark-La-Tex D-STAR Net Tue 19:30:00 Central Standard Time 01:30:00 REF048B
BCNDSN Barcelona D-STAR Net Tue 22:30:00 Central Europe Standard Time 21:30:00 ED3YAK C
TORARES Toronto ARES D-STAR Net Tue 20:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:30:00 VE3YYZ B
R3DNET Region III Auxiliary Communications Service Tue 19:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:30:00 REF062B
TCDART Treasure Coast Digital Amateur Radio Technoligies Group Tue 20:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:30:00 REF078C
100 100 Watts & a Wire D-STAR Tue 18:00:00 US Mountain Standard Time 01:00:00 XRF002A
SELA D-STAR Net of SE Louisiana (3rd Tuesday) Tue 21:00:00 Central Standard Time 03:00:00 REF048C
MOTOR Powersports Net Tue 19:00:00 Central Standard Time 01:00:00 XRF555A
MARCDN RACES/MARC Digital Voice Net Mon 19:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:30:00 XLX307D
MASONS Free Mason D-Star Net Tue 19:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:30:00 REF038A
LONDON London D-STAR Net Wed 20:00:00 GMT Standard Time 20:00:00 GB7OK
NCRN National Capital Region Net (Washington DC) Wed 21:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:00:00 REF062A
FLDS Florida State-Wide D-STAR DV Net Wed 21:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:00:00 REF004B
WWDVAP Worldwide DVAP Net Wed 18:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 02:00:00 REF014C
HNRN Ham Nation After Show D-STAR Net Wed 22:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 03:00:00 REF014C
ILLDS Illinois State D-STAR Net Wed 21:00:00 Central Standard Time 03:00:00 REF051D
PUGET The Puget Sound D-STAR Roundtable Wed 20:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 04:00:00 WD7STR B
PUGETS Puget Sound D-STAR Social Net Wed 20:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 04:00:00 REF035C
WIDN Wisconsin D-STAR Net Wed 19:00:00 Central Standard Time 01:00:00 REF019B
MDACS Mid-Atlantic Auxiliary Communications Service Wed 20:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:00:00 REF062A
WA8BRO Backyard Repeater Owners of America / Metro Detroit, SE Michigan Wed 20:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:00:00 REF089C
CMDGN Central Missouri Digital Group Net Wed 19:30:00 Central Standard Time 01:30:00 W0CMD B
ILDN Illinois Digital Net Wed 20:30:00 Central Standard Time 02:30:00 XRF334G
LVOD Las Vegas Open DSTAR Net Wed 18:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 02:00:00 REF014B
STAFFORD Stafford Amateur Radio Association Thu 19:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:30:00 WS4VA C
MJARC Malfunction Junction ARC SC DSTAR Thu 19:45:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:45:00 KJ4BWK C
QUEBEC2 Réseau D-STAR du Québec Thu 20:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:00:00 XLXVPSC
INDS Indiana State D-STAR Net Thu 20:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:00:00 REF024B
PDAN Pacific Division D-Star ARES Net Thu 18:30:00 Pacific Standard Time 02:30:00 XREF014B
GVN W6DHS Global Village Net Thu 19:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 03:00:00 REF001C
THRT Thursday Night D-STAR Round Table Thu 19:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 03:00:00 XRF002A
KYDSTAR Kentucky D-STAR Net Thu 19:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:00:00 REF056B
FDSN Florida D-STAR Net Thu 21:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:00:00 REF037C
NMEX New Mexico D-STAR Net Thu 20:00:00 Mountain Standard Time 03:00:00 REF055A
GAHLTH Georgia Public Health Net Thu 08:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 13:30:00 REF030B
CERT CERT DSTAR Net Thu 21:00:00 Central Standard Time 03:00:00 REF058A
QSONET Round-the-World QSO Net Thu 21:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:30:00 XRF038D
EMDRC Australian D-Star Net Thu 22:00:00 AUS Eastern Daylight Time 11:00:00 REF003C
DUTCH Dutch Net Thu 20:30:00 Central Europe Standard Time 19:30:00 XRF008B
NEDS Nebraska D-Star Net Thu 21:00:00 Central Standard Time 03:00:00 REF002C
KIAR Kids in Amateur Radio Fri 21:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:00:00 REF012C
CANADA Canadian D-STAR Net Fri 21:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:00:00 XRF103B
MEMPHIS Memphis Digital Amater Radio Club Net Fri 20:30:00 Central Standard Time 02:30:00 REF058A
FNRTN Friday Night Rount Table Net Fri 17:00:00 Central Standard Time 23:00:00 REF006A
TRAINS D-STAR Trains and Railroads Net Fri 19:00:00 Central Standard Time 01:00:00 REF026A
CNCRN National Capitol Region Net (Ottawa) Sat 08:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 13:30:00 REF016B
QUEBEC3 Réseau International D-STAR Francophone Sat 10:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 15:00:00 XLXVPSC
ITALIAN Italian Language Net Sat 18:00:00 Central Europe Standard Time 17:00:00 REF007A
HFSAT D-STAR HF Net Sat 19:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:00:00 HF Freq & REF030C
SAT Saturday Night D-STAR Net Sat 19:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 03:00:00 REF029A
AZDS Arizona D-STAR Net Sat 18:00:00 US Mountain Standard Time 01:00:00 REF009C
CCDS Coastal Carolinas D-STAR Net Sat 19:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:30:00 REF054C
6ADN 6 Alpha D-STAR Net Sat 08:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 13:00:00 REF006A
DUG D-STAR Users Group Sat 17:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 01:00:00 XRF002A
SEDSN Saturday Evening D-Star Net Sat 20:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:00:00 REF024A
WIDSTAR Wisconsin D-STAR Net Sun 21:00:00 Central Standard Time 03:00:00 REF019B
BCSF BCSF Net Sun 09:30:00 Pacific Standard Time 17:30:00 K6MDD C VA7ICMC
OZARK International D-STAR Net Sun 19:00:00 Central Standard Time 01:00:00 REF091C
SCERN South Counties Emergency Repeater Network (New Jersey) Sun 20:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:30:00 REF020B
SEWX Southeastern D-STAR Weather Net Discontinued Sun 21:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 02:00:00 REF004A
NUTS Northern Utah Technical Society (NUTS) Sun 20:00:00 Mountain Standard Time 03:00:00 REF029C
FWARC FWARC D-STAR Net Sun 19:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 03:00:00 REF035C
FWARCD FWARC DRATS Data Net Sun 19:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 03:00:00 9000
BC2SF BC to SF Net Sun 20:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 04:00:00 REF014A
NWDRATS Northwest Net for D-STAR/D-RATS Sun 19:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 03:00:00 9000
HFSUNAM D-STAR HF Net Sun 10:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 15:00:00 HF Freq & REF030C
HFSUNPM D-STAR HF Net Sun 19:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:00:00 HF Freq & REF030C
HUN Hungarian Language Net Sun 21:00:00 Central Europe Standard Time 20:00:00 REF042C
MDDATA Mid-Atlantic States D-RATS Sun 19:30:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:30:00 REF062D
MNDSTAR Minnesota D-STAR Net Sun 19:30:00 Central Standard Time 01:30:00 XLX632A
MVET Military Veteran Net Sun 10:00:00 Pacific Standard Time 18:00:00 REF026A
YODVN Young Operators Digital Voice Net Sun 19:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 00:00:00 XRF757A
OWDN Ohio Wide D-Star Net Sun 20:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 01:00:00 XRF038A
ORCN Ohio Rag Chew Net - New ! Sun 07:00:00 Eastern Standard Time 12:00:00 REF038A

UTC Times listed are the time of the next net. This may change as Daylight Saving Time is implemented in the net's home timezone.
If you hover over the times, the actual Next Net Date and Time will be displayed.
Time Zones are as defined in Microsoft Windows.